JPS’s Continued Support to the PCB Industry

Since 2000, the U.S. PCB market has shrunk dramatically. 25 years ago, 30% of PCB’s sold globally had US content. . Today that share has been reduced to 4% while the global market has consistently grown.  WIth this in mind, building the industry again seems like a good move. JPS’s Support to the PCB Industry […]

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Woven vs. Non-Woven

Developed over many years, fabric is an engineered substrate used throughout a variety of applications ranging from aerospace, consumer, military and industrial applications. Fabrics are designed and constructed to meet the requirements of different applications; however, all fabrics fall into one of two categories: woven or non-woven. Woven Fabrics Woven fabrics are the most traditional […]

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Types of Weave Patterns

Weaving is a fabric production method that involves interlacing two sets of yarns together so that they cross each other, typically at a 90° angle. The “warp” threads go vertically while the “weft” threads weave in and out between the warp threads horizontally. For highly engineered fabrics, it’s important to consider the thickness, weight, and […]

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