For several years JPS has partnered with a number of agencies such as Habitat for Humanity of Anderson County and United Way of Anderson County. We go beyond just supporting financially, but also enjoy sharing in getting hands on with these great partners. Each year we participate in a Habitat for Humanity Executive Build where members of our JPS Team assist in the building of a habitat house. So far we’ve participated in 3 separate houses in our area and we’re excited about our next build. We also work with United Way of Anderson County in an amazing Snack Pack Program for children who may not have food resources outside of a school setting. We have helped to pack thousands of kits and prepare them for distribution in our community.
We believe in the value of giving back to our community and feel that it is our responsibility as a company to be involved. We try to find unique ways to support those in need while also teaching our team members about the importance of being an active participant in their neighborhoods and communities. To this end, we have begun sponsoring different events each month such as school supply drives, community clean-up days, and food drives. We have also started a quarterly volunteer day for our team members where we will help out with projects in the area, such as assisting at local shelters or helping build a playground in an underserved neighborhood.
JPS is committed to making sure our team members are well connected to their local communities, and that they understand the importance of giving back. We want our team members to feel a sense of responsibility and pride in their community, and we believe that by providing these opportunities for involvement they will be more engaged with their local area. By actively participating in our community, JPS hopes to make a positive impact on those around us, as well as develop our team into better citizens of the world.
We are also proud to support our Steel Partners / Steel Sports programs through a variety of different avenues. We have several Volunteer Youth Sports Coaches that go through world-class training programs like the Tommy Lasorda Coaching System and earn financial awards for the teams they help coach. Another opportunity is in the Steel Sports Youth Camps, which offer a week long multi-sport camp to those in our community. Find out more at!